Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wait a Second – Where are My Pants?!

Oh, I meant plans. :P  Don’t be a perv, your day has soooo much more potential than that.
Anyway, I think I just realized something.  I was supposed to be a rich writer by now.  I never even really planned to go to college, but to be living as a hermit somewhere in Alaska in a modest cottage.

It seemed ideal when I was nine…

And now that I want to be some kind of teacher, how am I going to manage?  Is $30,000/year enough to live on?  Probably, yeah.  But what if it isn’t?  How will I continue to live in the manner to which I’ve become accustomed?  The truth of it is if I still want to be rich and/or famous, I’ll still need to write the next Great American Novel.  Or invent something.  Or go into a field that actually pays well.  How come people become corporate millionaires every day for selling us expensive stuff while educators shaping the future, frankly, aren’t become millionaires each day?  We’ll just have to start charging for teachers by the gallon, just like gas.  My body is (about!) 21 gallons.  Anybody want to ante up? 
Actually… that means I cost about as much as a fill-up for a truck.  Never mind; let’s not do that.  I didn’t want to teach inside a running internal combustion engine, anyway.

I guess the bottom line is that I want to do something fulfilling, and yet I also don’t want to starve, but that’s pretty much the choice I’d make if I didn’t immediately soar as a writer, anyway.  That’s a choice a lot of people have to make.  When faced with this, look to your heart, and do both!

Not literally.
Seriously.  I don’t want to have to fall back on something I’ll hate to do, do you?  Follow your dreams...

Speaking of dreams... sigh... here's a picture of me wondering where my pants are (pervs)

Luckily, I had the foresight to wear shorts for this picture XD

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Hey. Yeah, that's right, I just HAD to put words in this box, too.